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Martin D-35, D-42, OM-42 & more! Guitar Store #VirtualTour 5
Do 2 Martin D-42 Guitars Sound the Same? D-42 vs D-42
Martin D-41 vs D-42 vs D-45 - Powerhouse Martin Guitar Comparison!
2021 Martin D-42 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar w/ OHSC
Do Two D-42 Martin Guitars Sound the Same?
We've seen a lot of @martinguitars. We've never seen anything like this GP42 Custom Shop acoustic.
I found a Collings Killer, the best Custom Shop Martin D-42 I've ever played
modified Martin D-42
Petrilli Picks: 2013 Martin D-42 | Norman's Rare Guitars
Martin CEO9, D-42, OM-28E & more! Guitar Store #VirtualTour 2
The Martin D-42 Custom at Maury’s Music
Martin OM-42